Terms & Conditions
The company BeMyApp, a French company with a capital of 1.250,00 euros, whose registered office is located 18 Boulevard Michelet, 13008 Marseille, France - company registration number B 523 824 258 (Marseille RCS) - is organizing on behalf of the company Linde AG, a German company, whose registered office is located Klosterhofstr.1, 80331 München, company registration number HRB 169850 – hereinafter referred to as LINDE and Intel, Intel Deutschland Gmbh, a German company, whose registered office is located Am Campeon 10-12, D-85579 Neubiberg, company registration number HRB 186928 – hereinafter referred to as Intel - (hereafter referred to, collectively, as “Organizer”), a hackathon called “Linde.Intel.AI.Challenge (hereafter referred to as “Competition”) from the 16th November, 18:00 to 18th November, 18:30.
The aim of the competition is to develop, in teams and over a limited amount of time, innovative solutions for the following challenges:
Challenge 1:
- Creation of prediction algorithms (RNN based approaches preferred!) for liquid gas tank levels (one day ahead and multi-day forecasts on an hourly basis) of our bulk customers.
- Assessment and development of a multi-time series approach (is possible to learn across different customers instead of customer-individual model training? Is it possible to identify clusters/segments of storage vessels whose consumption patterns and behaviour is similar?)
- Inclusion of relevant external data (customer individual information (industry, location, weather etc.)
Submissions are expected to be using either R or Python as a programming language.
Challenge 2:
Additional prize for best visualization, insights story telling from the provided data. Following aspects can be considered:
- Interactive dashboard
- Explain the influence of individual features
- Clusters of customers/industries/common consumption patterns across groups
… be creative!
The Competition is free and without any purchase obligation. The Competition is open to all individuals (i) who are 18 years of age, (ii) who hold a bank account in their country of tax residence, (iii) who have IT skills, technical skills, design skills, or marketing skills and (iv) who have their own computer hardware in working order throughout the duration of the Competition (hereafter referred to as “Participants”).
Employees of LINDE, INTEL and BeMyApp and/or their affiliates, and members of their families (degree of kinship 1st grade, section 1589 BGB), as well as anyone who has directly or indirectly contributed to the conception, organization or realization of the Competition, are ineligible to take part in the Competition.
The registration for the Competition is open from 26. September until the 31. October. The hackathon will take place from the 16. November 2018, 18:00 until 18. November 2018, 18:30.
Each registration in the hackathon is individual, and only one registration per person is allowed during the entire duration of the Competition.
Phase 1: Registration process
Date: Between 01.10.2018 and 31.10.2018
Object: Every person wishing to participate can register online on the dedicated website for the Competition accessible at the following address: http://linde.intel.ai.challenge.bemyapp.com
The venue is equipped to host up to 80 participants and BeMyApp reserves the right to close registrations at any time before the start of the event. Registrants must provide the following information: last name, first name, date of birth, address, phone number, email and their profile for the purpose of the Competition, as suggested on the website. This information is required for the completion of their application.
Each candidate guarantees that the information entered during his/her application to the Competition is complete and accurate. Any false, incorrect or incomplete information will automatically result in the application being rejected.
The Organizer reserves the right to reject an application at any time if the profile of the Participant does not comply with the Competition standards.
Phase 2: “Ideation” Online platform
Date: On 19.10.2018
Platform website address: https://linde-intel-ai-challenge-platform.bemyapp.com
Object: On the “Ideation” platform, each Participant will exchange with mentors and other Participants their questions and ideas in order to mature them before the hackathon.
Phase 3: “Hackathon”: Beginning of the Competition
Date: On 16.11.2018 at 18:00
Place: WERK 1, MUNICH, Germany
Object: Participants will meet and form teams of two (2) or more Participants to focus around a single project of developing a prototype (hereafter referred to as “Teams”). A Participant cannot be a part of more than one Team. Teams will have until 18.11.2018 at 15:00 pm to develop their prototype. The maximum Team size is five (5).
Phase 4: “Hackathon”: Start of work on the projects
Date: From 16.11.2018 at 21:00 until 18.11.2018 at 15:00
Place: WERK 1, MUNICH.
Object: For the challenges, pls. see ARTICLE 2 . During the Competition, meals will be available to Participants for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Phase 5: “Hackathon”: Evaluation and presentation of the prototype
Date: On 18.11.2018 at 15:30
Object: From 15:30, each Team will present its prototype to the jury for a duration which will be determined according to the number of developed prototypes and which will not exceed 5 minutes, including 3 minutes of demo and 2 minutes of questions/answers with the jury.
Phase 6: “Hackathon”: Jury’s selection and Competition results
Date: On 18.11.2018 at approx. 16:15
Object: Jury’s deliberation and announcement of winners and prizes
Phase 7: Incubation program (Optionally)
Date: The following weeks after the 18.11.2018, to be defined between the ORGANIZER (Linde) and the WINNER or WINNING TEAM of the competition
Place: To be defined separately between LINDE (the ORGANIZER) and the WINNER (or WINNING TEAM)
Object: Following Phase 6, 1 team will be optionally selected to join an incubation program. We optionally award a Purchase Order for an implementation of one of the submissions in Linde’s IT infrastructure. Requirement for this is the use of Python as a programming language.
The winning Team will be determined by a jury of 5 to 8 members representing LINDE / INTEL and other professionals. The composition of the jury will be communicated to the Participants at the latest on the 30.10.2018. The jury will designate the winners on 18.11.2018 near 18:00.
The winners will be selected from among the Participants who actually:
- Satisfy the conditions for participation as set forth in the present rules
- Participated in the Hackathon session
- Were present during the submission of their prototype on the 18th November, 15:30, or – if need be – were excused by the other members of their Team.
The jury will select the winning Teams based on the following criteria:
Regarding challenge 1 (see ARTICLE 2 for details):
Please refer to the "Evaluation Metrics" PDF which can be found HERE.
Regarding challenge 2 (see ARTICLE 2 for details):
Additional prize for best visualization, insights story telling from the provided data. Following aspects can be considered:
- Interactive dashboard
- Explain the influence of individual features
- Clusters of customers/industries/common consumption patterns across groups
- … be creative!
The same judging mechanism as in Challenge 1 will be applied.
Jury decisions are final and cannot be challenged.
The Competition is endowed with 3 prizes:
Challenge 1
1st prize: the sum of €7.000, paid by wire transfer (divided equally between each member of the winning team).
2nd prize: the Hardware Prize of an Intel NUC mini PC.
3rd prize: the Hardware Prize of an 5X Intel® Optane™ SSD 900P Series (280GB, 2.5in PCIe x4, 3D XPoint™) Card.
Challenge 2
1st prize: the sum of €5.000, paid by wire transfer (divided equally between each member of the winning team).
2nd prize: the Hardware Prize of an Intel NUC mini PC.
3rd prize: the Hardware Prize of an 5X Intel® Optane™ SSD 900P Series (280GB, 2.5in PCIe x4, 3D XPoint™) Card.
The gained prizes are neither exchangeable nor refundable against their cash value. BeMyApp reserves the right, if circumstances so require, to replace the prizes with others of equivalent value, without liability being incurred thereby.
An incubation program might be offered to the winning Team or Teams to further develop the prototype. If an incubation program is offered by LINDE, the terms of a receptive agreement for the incubation will be settled amongst the teams and the Organizer after the Competition has concluded.
Prizes will be sent by BeMyApp to the winners within a maximum of 12 (twelve) weeks, to the address indicated by the winners.
If the address of a winner is unusable (illegible, incomplete or erroneous), the latter will lose the profit of its prize.
In addition, the Organizer cannot be held liable because of an error of routing of the prize, the loss of the prize during shipment, or inability to contact the winner.
No mail will be sent to Participants who did not win.
Participant waives all of his/her claims regarding compensation against the Organizer due to his/her participation to the Competition (in particular with regards to costs incurred for participation such as transport, accommodation, etc.) with the exception of drinks and meals which will be supplied by the Organizer during the duration of the Competition.
The Organizer reserves the right to shorten, extend, modify or terminate the Competition, or a part of the Competition, as a result of a force majeure event without incurring liability as a result thereof.
In such case, the Organizer will provide notice thereof to the Participants by any means of its choice (including e-mail and/or publication on the Website), and, if the need arises, will communicate to the Participants the new rules applicable or the new ending date of the Competition, as the case may be. Each Participant may notify the Organizer by e-mail that s/he refuses the new conditions of the Rules, in which case s/he will be excluded from participating, which s/he expressly accepts. If no refusal is communicated to the Organizer within 72 hours, the new conditions of the Rules will be deemed to have been accepted by Participants.
In case of a modification to the Rules, cancellation or interruption of the Competition, or a reduction or an extension of its length, the Organizer waives all liability and Participants will not be entitled to any compensation.
The Organizer may cancel all or part of participations in the Competition if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever, in particular computer fraud, during the Competition. The Organizer reserves, in this case, the right not to award prizes to fraudsters, to disqualify the concerned prototype project and/or to bring actions against the authors of these frauds. The Organizer shall not incur any responsibility towards the Participants because of the committed frauds.
Furthermore, the Organizer cannot be liable in case of damage, whether material or immaterial, caused during the Competition and thereafter, to the Participants, to their computing equipment, or to the data, including consequences which may ensue from it on their personal, professional or commercial activity.
All intellectual property rights to prototypes, namely applications related to the theme of the Competition, developed during the Competition – hereinafter referred to as IP – shall belong to the Participants.
During the Competition, Participants shall only use elements which are clear of any rights. Any third-party elements included in the prototypes, including open source software, must be clearly identified with their version, the terms of the applicable license, and any other details regarding their use. The Participant understands that this information is taken into account in the assessment for the allocation of a prize.
The prototypes shall not infringe any intellectual property right or images right. Each Participant warrants to the Organizer that their creation does not infringe, in any way, any third-party rights, and that s/he obtained, where necessary, the authorization of any third party.
By joining the Competition, Participants expressly authorize the Organizer, for free, to publish, communicate, exhibit and disclose orally, graphically or in writing, the projects and prototypes presented during the Competition. Each Participant agrees to be mediatized (portfolio, website, etc.) and authorizes the Organizer, for free, to present all of the work realized and communication channels used in support of this Competition, as well as to mention family names, first names, and images of the Participants.
Under this regulation, the Participant shall not acquire any full or partial right of any kind on the name and trademark “Intel”, “Linde”, nor on any other trademarks, names and/or brands associated with Intel or Linde, used alone, in association with or as part of another word or name, or any rights on trademarks, names or logos of Linde or Intel, or any of its associated or related companies.
The Participants grant to LINDE and its affiliates the worldwide, irrevocable and exclusive right to use and commercially exploit the IP on reasonable conditions and remuneration within the technical field “production, sale, distribution and/or supply of gases and liquids”.
If a Participant intends to sell her/his IP to a third party, she/he shall first offer her/his IP to LINDE. In this case, LINDE has the right of preemption under at least the same conditions as were offered to a third party. If LINDE does not reply to the Participant’s offer within two (2) months, the Participant shall be free to sell her/his IP.
The Participants may be filmed or photographed during the event. By joining the Competition, the Participants agree to the use and the distribution of their image by the Organizer, including for promotional events occurring after the Competition. The production and distribution of films and photographs of the event will not lead to any compensation of the Participants.
The Participant acknowledges the confidentiality of all information and documents which have been shared with him/her throughout the Competition.
During the whole duration of the Competition, the Participant will not directly or indirectly use or share any information with any third party, unless s/he has obtained a written authorization to do so, delivered by the Organizer beforehand. This applies to information shared with him/her by the Organizer or shared with him/her indirectly upon the execution of this contract.
The Participant commits to delivering any document containing confidential information or shared with the Participant upon the execution of this contract, on the Organizer’s simple request. This confidentiality agreement is valid for 24 months from the start of the Second Phase mentioned in this contract.
The collection and processing of personal data relating to the Participant by the Organizer is primarily intended to ensure that the Competition will be properly completed and in particular to allow the Organizer to contact the winner and to award them the prizes in an efficient way and, if the case arises, to publish the list of the winners.
Personal Data you submit when you participate in the Hackathon will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy http://privacy.bemyapp.com/ and applicable data protection laws.
Participants have the right to access, update and/or obtain deletion of their data by requesting directly to BeMyApp at the following address: 86 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris.
BeMyApp reminds Participants about the characteristics and limits of the Internet network and declines any responsibility regarding any consequence that may occur while they are connected to the Internet network on the event websites and during their participation in the Competition.
BeMyApp shall not be made responsible if Participants cannot connect to the website of the event due to a technical fault or in the event of any problem linked namely and not exclusively to (1) network overload ; (2) an electric or human error (3) any malicious intervention ; (4) a issue related to a phone line ; (5) an issue related to hardware or software ; (6) a hardware or software malfunction ; (7) a case of emergency ; (8) disruptions that may affect the smooth running of the Competition.
It is the Participant’s responsibility to take the appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software located on his/her computer equipment, against any violation. The Participant’s connection to the event websites and their participation in the Competition is made under their own sole responsibility. BeMyApp shall not be held responsible for any infection by potential viruses on the Participant’s computer equipment, or of the intrusion of a third party on their system.
BeMyApp shall not be held responsible if, for any reason, data related to a Participant’s registration doesn’t reach the company or is illegible or impossible to process.
BeMyApp and the Organizer reserve the right to exclude any Participant or person disrupting the Competition’s smooth running. They reserve the right to use any recourse, including suing anyone suspected of cheating, falsifying, or disrupting the process described in the Terms and Conditions, or suspected of trying to accomplish such actions. Any Participant deemed by the Organizer or by BeMyApp to have disrupted the Competition in any of the ways stated above, will be deprived of the right to obtain any prize, and no claim will be accepted consequently.
Participants remain solely and entirely responsible for the damages caused by them or their equipment to goods or people during the competition. They see to covering their risks by their own insurance and renounce any right to resort to the the Organizer or BeMyApp in that respect.
This document is accessible on the event website Linde.Intel.AI.Challenge.bemyapp.com during the full duration of the Competition.
Participation in the Competition implies full acceptance without reservation of the present regulation. Participation in the Competition is strictly personal and the Participant cannot, under any circumstances, be replaced. Any claim relating to the Competition will be barred after the period of three (3) months from the deadline for participation stipulated in Article 1.
The T&Cs and any contractual and non-contractual disputes in connection with them shall be governed by, construed and take effect in accordance with German law. Any dispute arising out of or in relation to the Terms and Conditions shall be brought to amicable settlement.
In case of failure to reach an amicable settlement, the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the German courts to decide and settle any claim, dispute or matters arising out of or in connection with the T&Cs or established by them (whether contractual or non-contractual).